Mairi Mackenzie 60 Years with Govan Gaelic Choir
On 7th May 1962 Mairi Mackenzie joined Govan Gaelic Choir, which resulted in her recently having completed 60 years of the most faithful and dedicated service.
Over this period she has rarely missed any Mods, choir practices and functions, and any missed were for good reason. She has for many years (and still is) Choir Assistant Conductor, and, was Choir President for more than half of her 60 yrs.
There can be few choristers who can claim such loyal service to their Choir, and we in Govan Gaelic Choir are most grateful, we thank her, and wish her good health to sustain her to achieve further milestones.
The 12 Choir members participating in the Inverness Mod "Showcase Event" are meeting in the Vestibule Area fo the Church following having prepared a Covid Risk Assessment, which satisfied the Church.
Following a Choir Committee Meeting on 29 September, to discuss the way forward after the Inverness Showcase Event,15 October 2021, a further Risk Assessment aimed at satisfying the Church to enable us to return to making use of the Sanctuary Area will be prepared.
Congratulations to Calum MaColl who won the Traditional Gold Medal at the Inverness National Mod.
Calum McColl built on last years Dunoon success, by winning the Silver Medal at this year`s National mod in Glasgow.
Leonardo Hotel, Great Western Road (formerly "Pond Hotel" ) Glasgow was the venue for celebrating the Choirs 90 Birthday, on Friday 22 November 2019.
68 people turned out for a night of excellent food, great craic, finished off with the Choir singing some songs followed by an impromptu ceilidh.
it was great to welcome former conductors Sandy Sinclair and Donald Feist as guests, along with Keneth Thomson from the GG's. Rona McMillan and Kirsteen Grant conductors of Cumbernauld and Glasgow Choirs respectively were also invited guest but unfortunately could not attend. Both had previously sent apologies and best wishes from both choirs, along with a bottle to help us celebrate. The walls of the Kelvin Suite displayed choir photos from past to present.
A notable absentee, sadly, was Mairi Mackenzie, choir member for 57 yrs and president for 30yrs, as her sister had passed away that week.
Mairi MacArthur who also has been a choir member for 57 yrs cut the birthday cake.
Donald Feist proposed a toast to the choir, which was responded to by Kathryn Callander. Following this, presentations were made to Sheena Walker 48 yrs choir service, Mairi Graham 35 yrs service, and Marion Craig Gaelic Tutor for 10 yrs who were all presented with Honorary Membership certificates on leaving the choir. Irene Livingston who has also left the choir after 19 yrs service, and was Vice President, and whose catering prowess will be hugely missed was presented with a certificate for Services to Choir Catering Corps.
Calum Ross
Calum Ross has been a loyal long serving Member of the Choir. He announced that the Dunoon Mod 2018 would be his last National Mod singing with the Choir. Since then he has continued to join us at practice (maybe because his wife Isabel and daughter Fiona are currently also Choir members), and he doesn`t like the peace and quiet of being home alone. !!!!
Calum won the Gold Medal at Dunoon 50 years previously and was invited to present the Gold Medals to the winners at the 2018 Mod. Below is a photo (courtsey of G Hood) of him being presented with a momento by Alan Campbell, from An Comunn.
Dunoon Mod 2018,brought success to both Calum McColl, and Fiona Ross.
Calum Won the Traditional Learners Competition. He sang Balachan Ban, a song with strong connections to his own family, which would have made his late dad extremely proud. It is also pleasing to note that Alan McQuarrie made his Mod deput in the same Competition. Very well done Alan.
Fiona was doubly successful, winning both her solo Competitions. The Mull or Iona song comp, and the Skye or Sutherland song comp.